Double clicking the aspx file In visual studio 2010 open internet explorer / mozilla

Double clicking the aspx file In visual studio 2010 open internet explorer / mozilla
A co-worker of mine  is experiencing an issue in Visual Studio 2010 where if he double clicks a page in the project explorer, it opens the page in internet explorer rather than open the file in visual studio.

Now to open the file in Visual Studio, he has to "right click" the aspx file and then select "View Designer".
The same thing happens if he right click and select "open".
so, I tried myself around with VS2010, and  I figured it out.
here is what u can do to over come this problem
1. In the solution explorer right click on .aspx file and click on "open with" option.
2. A dialogue box with open with title would come up, select "web form editor" in this box.
3. In the right hand side click button "Set as default"
4. click "Ok" and try again double clicking the .aspx file and now it should open in visual studio source view

Actually, you can define default editor for your files in that way (visual studio, dreamviewer or any third party tool)
Reference: Muthukumar (


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